Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Haunted Toilet

I am actively involved in the girls squash team in my secondary school. Something happened during one of my training this year that made me fearful of my school. The season of tournaments had just begun. Our coach wanted us to do the school proud and made us stay back late on Saturdays to practice. After one such training season, I was feeling hot, tired and sweaty. Not wanting to fight with my friends for a toilet cubicle on the ground floor, I made my way slowly up to the second floor girls toilet.

By then, we were the only ones left in school, for all other ECAs had ended and the students had gone home. In fact, I was glad that the surrounding was rather quiet as it suited my mood. As I entered the toilet, mops were lying all over the floor. Rolls of toilet paper laid all over the sinks. Dismissing any peculiar thoughts, I was about to enter the first toilet cubicle, when it started to flush all by it self. I looked inside carefully, thinking that the school had installed an auto detection unit, but the toilet looked the same as before. It had to be flushed by the user himself. Telling myself that the toilet was probably spoilt, I took another step into the cubicle. Just then, the adjacent toilet began to flush. I remembered that I was alone in the toilet when I entered. Strangely, another flushing sound soon followed. When I rushed to the last cubicle, I could actually witness the downward movement of the flush handle! I looked into every cubicle, but it appears that I was the only person in the toilet. Not wanting to stay any longer, I ran out of the toilet in my fastest speed. As I went down the stairs, I could still hear toilets flushing behind me. I wished to get out of the place as soon as possible.

When I reached the canteen, I was very relieved to have escaped unscathed. Never again would I venture alone!

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