Monday, 10 March 2014

Blood Dreams

Nina opened her eyes feeling safe and warm in her bed, the arm which was wrapped around her making her feel secure. She smiled feeling at peace with herself, and too comfortable to wake up. She knew it should have been about two in the morning, and she saw no reason to get up. She wrapped her fingers around her boyfriend's wrist and drifted back off to sleep, the thought of her boyfriend triggering off something alarming at the back of her mind. Not wanting to place it till she got up in the morning, her mind drifted off. But the minute it did, what it was that was bothering her hit her like a ton of bricks.

her boyfriend had come over two nights before and had left that morning. He should now be sleeping comfortably in his own bed at home. 'Oh my God!' She threw the arm off from around her and spun around in her bed. Just as she did, the figure, being much sharper and quicker than she was, grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her down. Too shocked to scream at first, she took his wrists and held them above her, using one hand to hold them down and the other to clasp her mouth. Unable even to breath, she struggled to break free. She could not see who the perpetrator was in the lack of light. All she saw was the dark silhouette of a man whose face she could not see. She could feel his body. He was on top of her and trying to shut her up. She wondered deliriously how he could have gotten in, trying to rationalize it all. The windows were locked from the inside, as had the door.

How she wished she could scream out for her mother to help her. But she could not. The man seemed to be simply looking at her as she struggled, almost watching her as if it was a performance. She wished she could see his face. But he was just a black blurry figure. She could not believe this was happening. Had she been able to breathe properly, she would have been in hysterical tears. But the fact that his weight was on her, coupled with the fact that his hand was on her mouth, prevented her from doing so. She continued to struggle as he took his hand off her mouth. Thinking this was an opportunity she opened her mouth to scream only to be cut off by the sudden cutting off of her air. His right hand was now around her throat, just tight enough so that it hurt like hell and made it difficult to breath, but not so tight that she would be suffocated altogether. She saw the black figure lean down towards her. She shut her eyes and prayed for God to save her. She knew there was nothing else to do now but to get through this and pray.

She felt warm, wet lips touch hers hungrily and she thought to herself that it just had to be a dream; some sort of horrid and vivid nightmare. She woke up. She was in a cold sweat, but she woke up nonetheless and that was all that mattered. Gulping deep lungfuls of sweet air, she stumbled out of bed, gasping. She turned on the lights and looked at the window as well as the door. Everything was locked, just as she had left it went she had gone to sleep. She felt thirsty. Still breathing heavily, she took one last look at the room and opened the door to got to the kitchen to get a drink to quench her parched throat. She thought about the dream and how vivid it had been. She could still taste the foreign lips and grimaced at the moisture on hers. Her neck felt stiff and strained. She took a glass from the kitchen cabinet and switched on the bathroom light to get some water. The glass dropped and broke into a million pieces, all of which reflected the terror in her eyes. There was a huge, red mark on the center front of her neck in the shape of a butterfly. They were bruises, which could have only been made by fingers that had dug into her neck. Her neck was pinkish red in color, as if flushed from excitement. And worse, there were love bites.

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